Our Services
Comprehensive Assessment
Your visit will start with a thorough physical assessment to uncover the main causes of your symptoms. This is based upon a deep understanding of biomechanics, and how movement dysfunction can be the culprit behind your symptoms. Without a detailed understanding of your pain triggers, your rehabilitation plan may be equally harmful as it is helpful to you. When other methods fail, we believe it is because this crucial step was missed. We are convinced that every patient is a unique individual with unique pain triggers. This is the reason it is important to assess for pain triggers prior to prescribing an exercise or rehabilitation program. The goal is to determine these pain triggers in the form of sustained postures and movement patterns.
Sometimes, pain is due to dysfunction in the way our nerves move. Different movements cause different stressors to be placed on a nerve. Our comprehensive evaluations analyze whether your pain could be due to increased sensitivity of a nerve or poor nerve movement.
Our goal is to educate you to fully understand your specific pain triggers, so that you leave empowered to take control of your pain.
Do you feel that you have received a thorough physical assessment from prior medical practitioners? Do you feel that you fully understand the mechanics of your pain? Do you feel you have the tools to treat your pain without opioids and surgery? If not, there is something you can do. Start with a free discovery call to see if you would be a good candidate for the McGill Method.
Movement-Based Treatment
Our movement-based treatment teaches you new movement patterns and postures that spare your spine in light of the pain triggers discovered in the assessment. This will allow the sensitized tissue to calm down which allows the body to take over the healing process the way it was designed.
Once pain triggers are removed, the rehabilitation process can begin. Then, we will teach you how to build a “core of iron” that translates to a more resilient and robust spine.
Has your movement been evaluated as a potential root cause of your pain? Have you been shown how to use movement to recover from your pain? If not, we would be happy to set up a free discovery call to see if you would benefit from a movement evaluation.
Clinical Neurodynamics
If you have nerve related pain, you may have realized that there are limited treatment options available. Clinical Neurodynamics is a system of physical diagnosis and treatment that focuses on providing relief to a painful nerve through movement, and improving function and performance of the nerve. Often, these problems are treated with injections or techniques that are over-simplistic, and do not take into account the intricacies and nuances of the nervous system.
Contrary to the over-simplified belief that nerve “tension” is always the root cause of your nerve pain, nerve pain is often caused by other issues within the complex nervous system including nerve pressure, over-sensitization of the nerve, inflammation of neural tissues, issues with blood flow inside the nerve, and nerve movement.
During your visit, we will be able to determine if neurodynamics should be included in your treatment plan. Apollo Spine works closely with the creator of this system, Michael Shacklock, founder of Neurodynamic solutions to ensure the most optimal implementation of this method.
Have you had a thorough examination to determine if neurodynamics were contributing to your pain? These issues are often misdiagnosed as simple shoulder pain or heel pain, for example, but neurodynamics often plays a role. Click to schedule a free discovery call
Athletic Performance
We use a spine first approach to promote injury resilience and performance with our athletes. Being at the center, the spine should be the center of our movement. Whether you are a powerlifter, boxer, or just a mom wanting to pick up your toddler off the ground, learning how to move in this way is beneficial for the health of your spine. A stable spine leads to a more powerful strike for the fighter and a better deadlift for the strength athlete. Give us a call to see how you can implement a spine first approach to your sport discovery call